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Robert J. Bradshaw

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ROBERT J. BRADSHAW finds inspiration on the rocky shores of Cape Ann, Massachusetts, though putting pen to paper doesn’t always mean writing books. His musical compositions have been heard on concert stages around the world, from Lincoln Center to Thailand, Europe to Australia (where his opera “.Gabriel” was premiered courtesy of Opera Australia). When concert halls fell silent in 2020, and the intensity of isolation weighed heavily on his family, Rob suggested they workshop an epic fantasy tale for fun. Yes, this is the kind of thing his family does for fun! So, every night after dinner, they sat in the living room (on the couch, on the floor with the dog, crawling up the stairs, even sitting in his wife’s spinning office chair going ‘round and ‘round and ‘round…) dissecting every aspect of what would become Aargh and Holly-Mine’s adventures in Ardilakk Valley. Little did Rob know how joyful (and how much work!) the project would be. He is thrilled to be able to share The Wizard’s Diary with fantasy readers like himself.

For more information about Rob and his creative endeavors, please visit

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